Donate Now

100% of your donation goes to the Trust

All administrative costs are borne by Cameron's family.
Your kind donations help us provide opportunities for young people to connect with nature.

Thank you so much for your support.


Donate online



Bank transfer

The Cameron Bespolka Trust
CAF Bank, Sort Code: 40-52-40, Account number: 00024811

Please use your name as reference when making the transfer
Please complete the Gift Aid form if you are eligible



To raise funds for the Trust please set up a JustGiving page



By sending a cheque, payable to the Cameron Bespolka Trust, to:

The Cameron Bespolka Trust
St Giles House, St Giles Hill, Winchester SO23 0HH, England

Please complete the Gift Aid form if you are eligible.

If you are supporting us by bank transfer or cheque, can you please complete and send this simple online form Gift Aid form so that we can claim Gift Aid from HMRC. This allows the Trust to  claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give and it will not cost you any extra.

If you live in the USA or Canada to donate please follow the links below







The Cameron Bespolka Trust is a CAF International Validated Organisation


100% of your donation goes to the Trust:

All marketing, promotional and administrative costs of the charity are covered by Cameron's family so that every pound donated goes directly to our work.



100% of your donation goes directly to the Trust's work

Registered Charity Number 1156567.