Roger Morgan-Grenville will be delivering this year's Cameron Bespolka Memorial Lecture at Winchester College.
For the first time this event is being run in the evening to give our supporters a chance to attend what should be a very entertaining talk.
Roger Morgan-Grenville is a conservation writer, storyteller and environmental campaigner with a deep interest in the restoration of British biodiversity and a passion for birds. During his time as a soldier, he successfully retraced Shackleton's journey across South Georgia for the first time and is a founder of the charity Curlew Action. During the spring of 2022, Roger undertook a 1,000 mile solo walk from Lymington to Cape Wrath.
In a highly personal account of his adventure, Roger will explain why he went, what he learned and what lessons he drew from the many people he met and the wildlife that he observed.
The lecture is kindly supported by the Natural History Society at Winchester College.
Very kindly, Roger will be giving the same talk in the afternoon to around 450 primary school children. This Annual Lecture has proved a very popular fixture over the years and has featured a wide variety of wildlife-orientated speakers.
Primary school children enjoying a previous year's lecture