We are very thrilled to once again sponsor the Spring and Winter Camps for the Homeless Children’s Foundation in Florida, held at the Pelican Island Audubon Society
The camp participants spent time exploring the wildlife around them, observing and drawing nature, birding, creative writing and spending time together outside.
This camp gives young people who are homeless a chance to meet other young people and spend time outside immersed in nature.
Art plays an important part in the experience
The campers explore the great outdoors
Games bring the teens together
Exploring nature
The Spring camp was a great success and the feedback from the children was very positive. Two students who previously were not a fan of the outdoors camp requested to come back for winter break. Nine children from the Homeless Foundation joined the camp and once again the talents and resilience of the campers impressed.
Two students who previously were not a fan of the outdoors camp requested to come back for winter break
Winter was also very well attended. One of the primary projects the campers worked on was a multi-phase art piece. On day one, they drew the background which was composed of nature. On the next day, they went outside and picked a tree to draw. Next, they observed the sky and picked a bird. On the final day they added a self-portrait. The results were very impressive; this group of teens really embraced their creativity.
The students displayed great creativity
A self portrait embedded in nature
The campers spent a great deal of time outdoors, in the surrounding acres of land, observing their surroundings, birding, journaling, bonding, and learning.