We are delighted to continue our work with the Homeless Children's Foundation who have had a busy summer providing outdoor activities for young homeless people.
We were able to support 22 young people attending one of two camps that took place on Pelican Island in the Audubon reserve. The camps were a great success and we received wonderful feedback from the staff, the young people and parents.
Building self esteem
These camps focus on mental health and self-esteem in their curriculum and find creative ways to introduce environmental studies to the young learners.
The chlldren are given the opportunity to handle exotic animals
They began the week by learning Earth manners and were taught the three basic ground rules: “respect one another, nature, and yourself.”
The camp organisers provide a jam packed itinerary which included playing in hammocks, roasting s’mores, catching and releasing fish and birding. The young guests were encouraged to take notes on their discoveries during the course of the week. A highlight of the week was kayaking to Pelican Island, an adopted spoil island, where they set up camp and then began exploring, looking for flora and fauna. Environmental responsibility is a message that is reinforced during these camps and a trash pick-up helped them understand the importance of keeping their surroundings clean.
“Dear Donor, Thank you so much for supporting this camp. I really enjoyed kayaking as well as learning about stormwater pollution."
In addition there was a visit to the local aquarium, a hike in a scrub habitat and lessons on how to use professional cameras. They also had the opportunity to interact with abandoned exotic animals that have been adopted by a local group.
The camp concluded with a special meal where all the children came together and discussed what they have had learned through the week.
The children are delighted to be given this opportunity
The children are encouraged to take notes on what they see