We are delighted to report that Esther Rumsey from Gloucester has been awarded the Cameron Bespolka Scholarship for 2022 as part of her prize for winning the 17-18 age category in the Zeiss Young Birders Awards.

Esther Rumsey, Cameron Bespolka Scholarship winner
Esther submitted a wonderful journal entry detailing her passion for the humble Swallow. In the follow up call with the judges she demonstrated her knowledge of birds, conservation and the natural world. Esther can now look forward to travelling to Itaca, New York to attend the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Young Birders weekend.
Corinne Cruickshank, Founder and Trustee of the Cameron Bespolka Trust was delighted with the quality of the entrants: “It’s wonderful to see the passion, knowledge and aspirations of these young naturalists. We are thrilled to partner with ZEISS, Cornell, BBRC and British Birds for these awards. It’s very exciting that one UK youngster can experience and learn all that Cornell Lab of Ornithology can offer when attending their bird weekend in Ithaca, New York. This course will give them a trip if a life-time and an opportunity to learn from eminent ornithologists. By creating opportunities to get young people involved, it’s a wonderful way to connect them with wildlife and nature.“
“Birds and the natural world mean a lot to me so I feel very privileged to have this opportunity to support my future in conserving birds and nature.”
Esther Rumsey's journal entry
The Zeiss awards included two further age categories. Muhummed Hussain, aged 11 from Preston, won the prize in the 6–12-year-old category with his descriptive story about a day out birding. Benjamin Rumsby, aged 15 from Essex won the 12-16 category with his detailed description of a Greenish Warbler. Read the Zeiss blog on the event
Benjamin Rumsby collects his award