Tommy and Ellie walk the Solent

Well done Tommy and Ellie! During their busy Easter holidays, these two have walked for three days along the Solent to raise funds for us!

I couldn’t be prouder of them for organising and giving up three days if their holiday. Well done! The pair stopped off at the Milford upon Sea Bird Observatory in Keyhaven during the walk to see the bird hide whose renovation the Trust had sponsored. 

If you haven’t had a chance to donate yet,  there is still time to help them reach their goal, just a bit to go: Just Giving page

They stopped off at the Milford upon Sea Bird Observatory in Keyhaven. We were delighted to sponsor the renovation of this bird hide.

Views from Hurst Castle with Isle of Wight in the background

Ellie walked with this on her backpack the whole way

They arrive at their end goal, Hurst Castle.


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