Every year, the RSPB organise a group of 30 teenagers to help with some practical conservation work on one of their Reserves. In 2012, Cameron was part of the group and he worked on clearing clumps of weeds to help protect a sand martin nest bank as well as building wicker hedges. It was a fabulous opportunity.
In 2016 teenagers signed up and one of the days was called the Cameron Bespolka Day in his memory.
"There were thirty teenagers chomping at the bit to perform two great practical conservation tasks. They were aided by members of the Saltholme Young Rangers team and helped to create a butterfly area on the reserve and did some vital meadow management. Hopefully you will notice that all of the participants are wearing the same t shirts. These were generously supplied by the Trust in memory of Cameron, who attended the 2012 weekend. After a wonderful day of hard work (and fun) we rounded off the visit by going to see the seals at Greatham!”
Tony Garrett, RSPB Youth Officer
Read the October Wingbeat Magazine article