These budding naturalists will use their powerful voices to help us engage with children and teenagers, sharing their passion for the natural world.
Through the course of the year our Young Ambassadors organise activities or feature at nature-orientated events up and down the country. It might be a wildlife walk or a talk on nature and the Trust.
These events are generally a great way for young naturalists to meet like-minded people and learn more about the many ways they can make nature a central part of their life or career. If you need any further details about the events featured below please contact us and we'll do our best to tell you more.
Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus outbreak many of our events are cancelled. As soon as things are back to normal we will be publishing events once more.
At present we are unable to increase membership of our programme.
Do get in touch with Trustee, Amy Hall, who runs this programme if we can help you in any way:
Please follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter to hear our latest news.
A Visit to Downing Street / 11.07.22
A couple of hours after a biology exam at school, I found myself stepping out of a black cab onto a …
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Rainham Marshes walk / 25.08.21
Young Ambassadors Samuel Levy and Arjun Dutta will be leading a nature walk at Rainham Marshes …
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Young Ambassadors pay a visit to Milford Bird Observatory / 9.08.21
A group of our Young Ambassadors paid a visit recently to the Milford Bird Observatory down on the …
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Mya delivers talk at virtual conference / 5.02.21
Congratulations to Young Ambassador, Mya Bambrick, who delivered a talk on the second evening of …
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Youth Against Carbon Conference / 21.10.20
Young Ambassador Mya Bambrick was invited to be be a panellist on the Youth Against Carbon …
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