We regret to announce that this year's course has been cancelled due to the spread of COVID-19. We will release details of the 2021 course as soon as we have them.
We are delighted to be sponsoring the Young Leaders course organised by the British Trust for Ornithology.
The Young Leaders course is aimed at 16-25 year olds and is held over 4 days at the Spurn Bird Observatory in East Yorkshire. The participants undertake a wide range of activities aimed at improving their skills as leaders. They learn everything from making the most of social media to turning their passion for nature into a career.
Some of the activities took me a little by surprise but having done them I felt that I had definitely gained confidence. Having the opportunity to go birding in the area at the start and end of each day was also fantastic
For an insight into this great opportunity, read a report by last year's winner Jonathan Farooqi
Banner image above White-rumped Sandpiper by Jonathan Farooqi
Applications will open shorty.